Monday, June 4, 2007

After Lolita?

A reader emailed to ask what should we read next?

Since I'm on page 99, it's only fair to ask.

I've already picked up some shorter, uncorrected proofs of various books I've never heard of before.

So, what should we read?


Anonymous said...

Are you giving up? Does size matter? (I'm talking about the length of the book of course)

me said...

not giving up. just getting the conversation started about what's next.

and no comment about the importance of size.

Anonymous said...

To answer my own question, size does matter. Many are put off by longish books, including myself. I might as well glue and shellac "Les Miserables" to my shelf because I don't see myself picking it up any time soon--I'm intimidated by its thickness, I admit. I guess "Lolita" is sorta long (and let's not go into the stigma it bears.) In short, if it's too big, it hurts.

So Bookworm, you have my blessing to abandon ship and switch books for this blog...ONLY IF you promise me that you will finish my "Lolita" on your own at some point in your life. Capiche?

Karissa Chen said...

i have a large large pile of books for me to choose from. my problem is always trying to figure out what i'm in the mood for next. i try to alternate between a classic and something of closer contemporary acclaim and something just plain fun i want to read.