Wednesday, June 6, 2007

HH in Wonderland

I just got past page 120, where HH is in a hotel with Lolita. He's close to accomplishing what he's been scheming to get for the longest time. And it seems the closer he is to actually obtaining it, the further away he slips from reality.

At page 129, he writes directly to the reader saying "do not skip these essential pages! Imagine me; I shall not exist if you do not imagine me;"

Then, on page 131, he's next to Lolita who is asleep.

"A breeze from wonderland had begun to affect my thoughts."

It's a line straight out of a Toni Morrison, or Gabriel Garcia Marguez book.

Then, a little further down on page 131, HH observers how Lolita, still asleep "would stir, and I would konw she was farther away from me than ever."

Ladies and gentlemen, HH has left the building (of reality).


Anonymous said...

Do you think maybe you're getting at something here, that may have very broad implications? (excuse that hackneyed pair.)

Look at the title you gave this post, and think, think, think.

me said...

He's totally lost it. Lolita is a concept to him and, and he admits later, he doesn't like her personally. He likes the idea of her.

In a way, both Lolita and HH are both captives of his desire. Lolita can't escape HH physically, and he can't escape her, mentally.

Anonymous said...

We know that HH has been committed on more than 2 occasions, and he kind of pooh-poohs this when he mentions it. What he says are the reasons for it too seem a little spurious. He's probably leaving something out. Then we have to wonder, how much of what this possibly loony guy is saying is trustworthy as the reality??